
Zatvorené - zajtra otvorené 09:00 - 18:00


To make your day a little brighter, Hogan are thrilled to offer virtual shopping services :
Email & Telephone Orders

Please contact the store for your virtual shopping experience:
Phone: +43 2166 202070
Mobile: +43 664 3555891
Mail: outletparndorf@todsgroup.com

Monday - Friday | 9-19 h

German, English, Hungarian & Chinese

Hogan was founded in 1986 and is part of Tod's S.p.A., the Italian luxury goods group. The brand's innovative vision of casual luxury right for all occasions transfers perfectly to a contemporary lifestyle where quality and style are always admired - sophisticated accessories and clothing, with an essential, innovative design and the perfect combination of function and informal elegance. Hogan products are made in top-quality materials and intended to become timeless articles, keeping their value unchanged season after season. Discover the Hogan outlet collections.


New Arrivals


v Parndorf

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Designer Outlet Parndorf je od Viedne, Bratislavy a Budapešti pohodlne dostupný. Viedeň je vzdialená 30 minút autom, Bratislava 25 minút a Budapešť 120 minút.

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