Alina Cosmetics

Zatvorené - zajtra otvorené 09:00 - 18:00

True to our motto “We make no secret of beauty”, our employees will be happy to advise you in our store!

Discover exclusive fragrances, high-quality skin care and make-up from well-known brands such as Acqua di Parma, Chanel, Clarins, Dior, Creed, Etro, Shiseido and Yves Saint Laurent - at a fair price. We offer professional advice on site and give you a few inspiring beauty tips. Our team is looking forward to your visit - come by and let yourself be inspired in the ALINA beauty world!

Značky :

Chanel, Lancome, Calvin Klein, Yves Saint Laurent, Elizabeth Arden, Biotherm, Armani, Hugo Boss




v Parndorf

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Designer Outlet Parndorf je od Viedne, Bratislavy a Budapešti pohodlne dostupný. Viedeň je vzdialená 30 minút autom, Bratislava 25 minút a Budapešť 120 minút.

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